April Art and Soul

Decoupaged Wall Crosses

--16" x 24" crosses (etsy.com--Mr. Woody's shop)
--scrapbook paper
--Mod Podge
--small wooden crosses (Hobby Lobby--in VBS crafts)
--acrylic paint and paintbrush
--hot glue gun

1. Paint the edges of the cross with the acrylic paint. (You might want to paint the edges of the TOP of the cross, too--if you want to leave a border of paint on the top rather than mod podge the paper all the way to the edge).

2. If you want to place a smaller cross in the middle, then paint it with the acrylic paint as well.

3. Tear the scrapbook paper of your choosing into pieces. Paint a thin layer of mod podge on the cross, and begin placing your scrapbook pieces down. Paint another layer of mod podge on top. Use your fingers or the edges of a gift card to smooth out wrinkles.

4. Once the cross is covered in scrapbook paper, you can hot glue the small cross in the middle.


  1. The crosses are beautiful. Pam Coley will be there and would like to make one please.
